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Financial Statements

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Balance Sheet

(Unit : million won)

Account subject Balance Sheet
current assets 299,755
Non-current assets 392,891
Total assets 692,647
current liabilities 220,299
Non-current liabilities 92,598
Total liabilities 312,897
Capital 11,077
Capital surplus 149,928
Retained earnings 218,470
Capital adjustment -99
Total Capital 379,750
Liabilities and total capital 692,647

Income Statement

(Unit : million won)

Account subject Income Statement
Total Revenue 503,330
Cost of good sales 413,020
Gross profit 90,310
Selling, General & Administrative expense 106,665
Operating income -16,355
Financial income 27,958
Financial expense 40,111
Other income -28,985
Other expense
Gain on valuation using equity method 4,559
Income before tax expense -24,426
Provision for Income tax
Net income (NI)
Other comprehensive income (OCI)
Total comprehensive income (TCI)
Controlling interest
Non-controlling interest
Earnigs per share (EPS)
- Basic EPS
- Diluted EPS

Cash Flow Statement

(Unit : million won)

Account subject Cash Flow Statement
I. Cash flows from operating activities -58,640
1. Net income before tax(loss) -28,985
2. Adjustment for non cash items 63,664
3. Adjustment of working capital -94,016
4. Payment of tax 697,210
II. Cash flows from investing activities -103,240
III. Cash flow from financing activities 162,801
Ⅳ. Increase in cash due to merger
Ⅴ. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents (decrease) 921
Ⅵ. Effect of foreign currency exchange rate changes in cash and cash equivalents 3,387
Ⅶ. Cash value bigin of period 52,257
VIII. Cash value end of period 56,116